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2017 | 3 | 1 | 11-26

Article title

E-learning Specialists Training for IT Infrastructure of an Educational Institution Management


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The article discloses the possibility of training e-learning specialists to manage the IT infrastructure of educational institutions. The contents and results of lifelong learning competencies formation and professional competencies, skills, and soft skills in the course of “Managing the IT infrastructure of an educational institutions” are studied. Content training for specialists in e-learning is defined by such topics as “ICT policy and IT infrastructure of educational institutions,” “Program and technical solutions for building IT infrastructure of educational institutions,” “Using cloud technologies for IT infrastructure of educational institutions,” and presented as an e-course that includes educational materials and competence tasks that form a competence for lifelong learning (communication in mother tongue, communication in foreign languages, knowledge of mathematics and general knowledge in the field of science and technology, skills in digital media, training for gaining knowledge, social and civic skills, proactive position and practical approach, awareness and self-expression in culture) and professional competence (in educational, technical, managerial, and project activities). The feasibility of using competency tasks to prepare specialists in e-learning is confirmed by educational achievements of 94 full-time and part-time students. What is analysed are the students’ acquired soft skills (flexibility, teamwork, leadership, outgoingness, social skills, creativity).








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  • Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
  • Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
  • Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University


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