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2013 | 4 (51) |

Article title

Polska Akcja Humanitarna jako organizacja ucząca się w świetle badań własnych



Title variants

Polish Humanitarian Action as a learning organization according to the author's own studies

Languages of publication



Many of the income organizations in the process of changes and necessary transformations apply self-improvement techniques - disciplines of a learning organization - with varying degrees of success. Many of them aspires to be learning organizations. Non-governmental organizations in Poland, which have been developing for 20 years, are becoming increasingly important sphere of social life. What seems to be interesting is the answer to the question whether the Polish non-governmental organizations may be an example of learning organizations. Numerous analyses have been done concerning the income organizations in the context of the implementation of a learning organization disciplines. In her research the author wanted to find out whether and how NGOs use the disciplines of learning organization for achieving a state of self-awareness and ability to learn. The study discussed in the article is the first to raise the issue of the NGO as a learning organization. Given the increasing importance of non-governmental organizations and the necessary transformations in the NGO sector, the present article is an attempt to provide new knowledge and to find the answers to questions mentioned above.




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