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2012 | 43 | 1 | 27-39

Article title

Temperamental traits and life and job satisfaction


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The aim of this research project was to evaluate the impact of the temperamental traits and structure (as defined by Strelau’s Regulative Theory of Temperament) on the level of life satisfaction and job satisfaction (interpreted according to Zalewska’s Transactional Model of Quality of Life). The participants of the study were employees (N=199) having different jobs and from different workplaces. The results indicate that there exists a positive relationship between both types of satisfaction and activity and endurance as well as a negative relationship between the measures of satisfaction and emotional reactivity. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that activity and emotional reactivity are temperamental predictors of life satisfaction. The temperamental predictor of job satisfaction in the cognitive aspect is only activity, whereas in the case of job satisfaction in the emotional aspect - activity and endurance. The statistical analysis revealed that the temperament structure harmonising in the dimension of under-stimulation – over-stimulation has no correlation with any types of satisfaction.








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  • Instytut Psychologii, Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego, ul. Staffa 1, 85-867 Bydgoszcz
  • Instytut Psychologii, Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego, ul. Staffa 1, 85-867 Bydgoszcz


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