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2014 | 155 | 203-228

Article title

Rola gospodarcza konsumpcji zbytecznej dóbr luksusowych w dobie kryzysu. Sposoby regulacji konsumpcji na pokaz oraz przeciwdziałanie rozwarstwieniu społecznemu


Title variants

Conspicuous consumption of luxury goods during the global economic crisis

Languages of publication



This article is concerned about the phenomenon of luxury good consumption during the global economic crisis, specifically “conspicuous consumption.” Despite that social stratification created the phenomenon of conspicuous consumption, it is still practiced by many social groups, as evidenced by the fact that luxury goods in the Polish market has seen a significant increase in sales. The article will also examine the regulations and laws in Poland that should be taken to minimize conspicuous consumption and protect against the delamination of the structure of earnings in society.


  • Instytut Socjologii UwB, Plac Uniwersytecki 1, 15-420 Białystok


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