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2013 | 56/112 z. 2 | 111-127

Article title

No comment. Z poetyki komentarza elektronicznego


Title variants

No Comment. On Poetics Of Electronic Comment

Languages of publication



The aim of the paper is to analyze electronic comment as a new genre of speech. At the beginning the state of the art is presented. The history of comment in manuscript printed books is outlined, as well as main functions of comment. Then two kinds of post- -typografical comments are indicated: programming comment and Internet comment. The article limits its scope to the last one. The research based on a case of a news taken from a popular Polish language Internet portal. Seven types of comments are discovered: an approval, a question/desideratum, an amplification/a dialog, a correction, a disapproval, an impression, a parasitism. Three most numerously represented groups happen to be a disapproval, an impression, and a parasitism. In the conclusion a hypothesis explaining the phenomenon is proposed.






Physical description




  • Instytut Badań Literackich PAN


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Document Type

Publication order reference



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