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2017 | 46 EN | 263-276

Article title

Tactile Perception of a Bas-relief. Audio Description as a Means to Make Art Available to the Blind. A Case Study


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This article aims at answering the question whether a contextual information in the form of audio description, providing details of a given piece of art and its author, has an influence upon the level of recognisability and understanding of the studied piece. In other words, how the information about a piece of art (or its lack) influences perception and aesthetic evaluation of an art piece.The article discusses a problem of aesthetic competence in the mind of a person blind from birth. The focus of the research concerns perception of an art piece on base of a tactile study of a bas-relief (a copy of Józef Chełmoński’s painting Storks).






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  • Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin Institute of Fine Arts of the Faculty of Arts


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