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2012 | 20 | 95-107

Article title

Biotechnologiczne spółki spin-off Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego jako mechanizm transferu technologii



Title variants

Jagiellonian University’s spin-off biotechnological companies as a mechanism of technology transfer

Languages of publication



Spin-off companies constitute an interesting subject of research for economic geographers. The significance of local knowledge networks, tacit knowledge flows and strong links with local social and economic environment are their most important features. Academic spin-offs, created by employees of higher education and R&D establishments, form a specific subgroup among these firms. Spin- -off companies are acknowledged as a most important technology transfer mechanism in the highly innovative modern biotechnology sector. This paper deals with the creation and functioning of the Jagiellonian University’s biotech spin- -off companies in the contemporary business environment of Poland. Most of these companies are in an initial phase of development, facing many problems with financing and bureaucracy. The most important barriers to popularization of spin-off activity among researchers are: lack of financing, complicated IP law system, lack of business knowledge among scientists and general focus only on scientific activity among research personnel. The role of Jagiellonian University’s technology transfer and entrepreneurship support agencies (i.e. the Jagiellonian Centre of Innovation and the Life Science Technology Park and Cluster) is also discussed.


  • Zakład Rozwoju Regionalnego, Instytut Geografii i Gospodarki Przestrzennej, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków


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