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2020 | 10/2 | 34-42

Article title

Zadovoljstvo studenata Tehničkog veleučilišta u Zagrebu provođenjem online nastave


Title variants

Satisfaction with the conduct of online classes among the students of Zagreb University of Applied Sciences

Languages of publication



The Covid-19 virus epidemic has highlighted the need to discover different methods as well as assess the success of distance learning. Teachers and students around the world have faced perhaps the greatest challenge so far, adapting to the available platforms in a short time and equally embracing both the advantages and disadvantages of virtual teaching. This epidemic has actually widened the gap between those who can access digital learning opportunities and those who are excluded because not everyone has adapted to the situation equally successfully. We must also emphasize that a good online learning experience is not necessarily related to the technology we choose, but to the way teachers and students dedicate themselves to that form of teaching and learning, especially when it comes to learning a foreign language. In this paper, a research was conducted on a sample of 120 full-time and part-time students of the 2nd year of the Mechanical Engineering Department at the Zagreb University of Applied Sciences, in April and May 2020. The objectives of the research are to show the degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the students at the Zagreb University of Applied Sciences as well as to determine the degree of difficulty in mastering a foreign language by online teaching. The research was conducted with a survey questionnaire on the basis of which the calculation of relative frequencies will determine the stated goals.
Epidemija uzrokovana virusom Covid-19 aktualizirala je potrebu za otkrivanjem različitih metoda kao i procjenom uspješnosti poučavanja „na daljinu“. Nastavnici i studenti diljem svijeta su se suočili s možda i najvećim izazovom dosad, u kratkom vremenu se prilagoditi dostupnim platformama i jednako tako prihvatiti kako prednosti tako i mane virtualne nastave. Ova epidemija je zapravo i proširila jaz između onih koji mogu pristupiti mogućnostima digitalnog učenja i onih koji su isključeni jer se nisu svi jednako uspješno prilagodili. Isto tako se mora naglasiti da dobro iskustvo online učenja nije nužno vezano uz tehnologiju koju izabiremo, već uz način na koji se nastavnici i studenti posvete tom podučavanju, pogotovo kada je riječ o učenju stranog jezika. U ovom radu provedeno je istraživanje na uzorku od 120 redovnih i izvanrednih studenata 2. godine Strojarskog odjela Tehničkog veleučilišta u Zagrebu, u travnju i svibnju 2020. godine. Ciljevi istraživanja su pokazati stupanj zadovoljstva, odnosno nezadovoljstva studenata Tehničkog veleučilišta kao i utvrditi stupanj težine savladavanja stranog jezika online nastavom. Istraživanje je provedeno anketnim upitnikom na temelju kojeg će se izračunom relativnih frekvencija utvrditi navedeni ciljevi.


  • European Commission. Coronavirus learning resources: online platforms Preuzeto s https://ec.europa.eu/education/resources-and-tools/coronavirus-online-learning-resources/onlineplatforms_en
  • European Data Portal. (2020.) Education during COVID-19; moving towards e-learning. Preuzeto s https://www.europeandataportal.eu/en/impact-studies/covid-19/education-duringcovid-19-moving-towards-e-learning
  • International Society for Technology in Education. Preuzeto s https://www.iste.org/
  • Perez-Castillejo, S. (2017). Can a Foreign Language be Learned Online? Implications Behind this Question. Preuzeto s https://www.emergingedtech.com/2017/01/can-a-foreign-language-belearned-online-implications-behind-question/
  • World Economic Forum. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever. This is how. Preuzeto s https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/04/coronavirus-education-globalcovid19-online-digital-learning/

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Publication order reference


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