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2014 | 156 | 107-133

Article title

Sprawiedliwość i odpowiedzialność w działalności przedsiębiorstw – pokryzysowe next steps



Title variants

Justice and Responsibility in the Activities of Companies – Post-crisis Next Steps

Languages of publication



Globalization and internationalization of economic activities resulted in the development of multinational companies on an unprecedented scale in the history. Changes in the organization of production and management, which gave effect of increasing productivity and maximize revenues. There were, however, negative effects of these processes: depletion of a large portion of the world’s population, expansion of the disparities between the countries of the rich North and the poor South and degradation and over – exploitation of the environment. The development of corporate social responsibility, responsible investment and promoting Fair Trade – especially during an economic crisis – can change the rules governing the world today. This crisis has focused unethical behavior of transnational corporations, the lack of accountability for the decisions, excessive desire to get rich at any cost, ordinary theft and fraud. Changes in the Amartya Sen’s and Mahbub-ul-Haq’s Human Development Index – HDI takes into account the different types of inequality (which are often negative effects of business activities) shows that our world has much to gain if we concentrate our eff orts on defeating these social disparities. The article presents three possible scenarios for the development of the global situation on the world markets with reference to the economic crisis: positive, neutral and negative variant for transnational corporations – a major player in the arena of international relations. It is worth remembering demands of the new economy - the economy of social development – oriented to increase the standard of living and wealth, and which stimulates economic growth and social development affects the reduction of social inequalities.


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