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2011 | 12 - Problemy bogactwa i biedy we współczesnej Afryce | 491-515

Article title

Klientelizm jako czynnik wpływający na wzrost rozwarstwienia ekonomicznego w państwach Afryki Subsaharyjskiej



Title variants

Influence of clientelism on increase of economic stratification of Sub-Saharan countries

Languages of publication



Patron - client relations are one of the most important characteristics of modern political systems of African countries south of Sahara. The main aim of the article is the analysis of the influence of clientelism and clientelist relations on the increase of economic stratification of societies of these countries. The broad study of the notion of clientelism is followed by the attempt to identify the causes of the emergence of clientelist relations, ranging from political and economical to social and cultural factors. Having done that, the author focuses on the consequences of clientelism in regard to the widening economic gap between African citizens.


  • Uniwersytet Warszawski


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