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2022 | 6(173) | 69–92

Article title

Warianty monistycznej egzekutywy w strukturze prezydenckiego systemu rządów


Title variants

Variants of a unitary executive branch within the presidential system of government

Languages of publication



The paper deals with different variants of the presidential model, with a particular emphasis on the possibility of including the post of prime minister. The author argues that presidentialism should be defined by taking into account abstracted general constructions that can be duplicated and easily identified outside the United States of America. Such a research perspective allows for the analysis of structures that exist in countries that adopt the most important assumptions of the presidential system but modify it in various ways. One of such potential modification is the existence of the post of prime minister, as well as some other elements of parliamentarianism. The author examines the features of presidentialism on the example of six selected countries (Argentina, Brazil, Cyprus, Kenya, South Korea and the Ivory Coast). Three of them have the posts of prime ministers, while the other three are closer in this respect to the model known from the United States of America.





Physical description


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