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2023 | 23 | 199-211

Article title

Die ausgewählten manipulativen Strategien in den öffentlichen Propagandareden der NS-Zeit. Dargestellt am Beispiel der Sportpalastrede


Title variants

The Selected Manipulative Speech Tactics in the Public Propaganda Speeches in the Nazi Germany. Analysis Using the Example of Total War Speech

Languages of publication



The article is devoted to use of the linguistic manipulation techniques in the public speeches from the Nazi Germany. The main aim of this article is to study what kind of language-manipulative-techniques were used by the propagandists to create propaganda speeches to influence the audience and convey ideological content. Because the spectrum of linguistic strategies and tactics of manipulation is very broad, the exemplary analysis is limited to the selected rhetorical and pragmatic tactics and sentence structures that allow for hidden hints. All these selected examples and suggestive tactics occur particularly often in texts of this type and can therefore be considered prime examples of manipulative strategies. In addition, the terminology is specified in this article. Terms such as persuasion, linguistic manipulation, manipulation of language and propaganda are often confused with one another in linguistic discourse or used synonymously. Accordingly, a clear and concise definition of these terms is made in the article. The selected manipulative strategies are illustrated by an example of the speech in the Berlin Sportpalast (Total war speech) from February 18th, 1943. So, the contribution also deals with the context and the historical background of the speech, as well as the other mass suggestive tactics that can be found in the text. The examined strategies are still used in texts with a persuasive and manipulative character.






Physical description




  • Universität Lodz, Łódź


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