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1989 | 2 | 159-166

Article title

Problematyka badawczo-konserwatorska budowli centrum ceremonialnego Cahuachi (Peru)


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Nasca culture came into being ca. 400 B .C ., on the base of the Paracas culture, into the region of the rivers lea and Nasca. In a short time excellent irrigation systems were built, along with water reservoirs, underground aqueducts with walls made of stone blocks and equipped with a system of wells for purifying water of slime, sanctuary complexes. The ceramic utensils and figurines of the Nasca culture are characterized by a high artistic as well as technological level. The ceramic ware was ornamented with geometrical designs and presentations of stylized birds, plants, insects and mythological figures. The motifs appearing on ceramic objects and in tapestry are similar to the gigantic drawings on deserts called geoglyphs. These drawings came into being during 1200 years (from 800 B .C . to 400 B .C .). There are many theories that explain the function of these drawings. At the present stage of research, the most convincing hypothesis has been formulated by Toribio Mejia Xessepe. According to it the drawings marked out procession routes. The Cahuachi ceremonial centre occupies an area of over 24 km2. Most structures within the centre have been built of brick formed from clay and dried out in the sun, the so-called adobe, joined with mortar based on a loam binder. The bricks are of different shapes and their arrangement in the wall is also varied. The state of preservation of the buildings is very good. This is due to the layer of sand covering them, brought over during a flood. The layer ensured a constant level of humidity and temperature, as well as shielded against the sun's rays and the effects of wind. Following exposure, the structures are undergoing rapid deterioration. It is therefore necessary that archaeological investigations be accompanied by conservation measures. Studies of loam minerals contained in the bricks and clay mortars were conducted in a field laboratory. They were continued on samples brought to Poland with the use of IR spectrophotometry and X-ray diffraction. In previous years an Italian mission made an attempt to conserve part of the structures. Materials of inorganic origin were used as well as materials of organic origin. For strengthening the houses and wall surfaces lime, gypsum, cement and clay mortars were used. However, none of these mortars proved effective. In spite of negative results, the efforts made it possible to determine the criteria which have to be fulfilled by materials and means suggested for use in conservation work, namely: — the materials and means used cannot seal off the surface of the structures or alter the physical properties of the bricks, — they must be resistant, particularly to ultraviolet rays and humidity, — their coefficient of thermal expansion must be similar to that of the original material, — they must be flexible. The following can be considered as the most important problems of conservation: — the making out of complete conservation documentation, — outlining the methodology of preservative conservation, — the description of the old building technique and the identification of causes that led to the destruction of structures, — the preparation of a complex program of aesthetic solutions of the exposition of the ceremonial centre's structures in correlation with the presentation of geoglyphs, together with objects connected with ceremonies, cults, everyday life etc. These problems are the subjects of research carried out as part of the „Proyecto Nasca" and in the Institute of Historical Monument Studies at the Mikołaj Kopernik University in Toruń.






Physical description




  • UM K — Toruń


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