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2020 | Tom XXIX | s. 279-292

Article title

Wyprzedzające badania georadarowe obiektów architektonicznych na przykładzie zamku w Przezmarku (gm. Stary Dzierzgoń, pow. sztumski, woj. pomorskie)

Title variants

Preliminary GPR surveys of architectural features on the example of the castle in Przezmark (Stary Dzierzgoń commune, Sztum district, Pomeranian Voivodeship)

Languages of publication



The authors present the application of the GPR method. The material for analysis was obtained during GPR works carried out at the Teutonic castle in Przezmark. They have become an important supplement to the available historical knowledge and results of previous excavations. Due to the lack of accurate information about the buildings located in the castle area, an attempt was made to identify the area in a non-invasive manner. For verification of architectural remains invisible in the modern landscape, the GPR device VIY -300i with a 300 MHz screen antenna from Transient Technologies LLC was used. After processing the data, an image of the examined area was obtained, in which GPR anomalies were observed. Due to the nature of the examined object, they were initially associated with architectural objects. After obtaining the results in the indicated place, a test trench was established to confirm the anomaly and to recognise its origin.




s. 279-292

Physical description


  • Instytut Archeologii UKSW, ul. Kazimierza Wóycickiego 1/3, 01-938 Warszawa
  • Instytut Archeologii UKSW, ul. Kazimierza Wóycickiego 1/3, 01-938 Warszawa


Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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