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2015 | 3 (24) | 58-68

Article title

Model czynnikowy drugiego stopnia jakości informacji rynkowych


Title variants

Second-order factor model of market information quality

Languages of publication



The aim of the study is to present a model of measuring the quality of market information as a second-order factor model. To receive this model the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used. The rationale for creating the second-order model was high correlation of the four originally assumed factors in the first-order measuremment model as well as substantive reasons. The first-order factors under consideration were reliability, completeness, relevance, and timeliness of information. The study used orginal data of new product projects in which we measured reliability, completeness, usefulness and timeliness of the information available in the new product development. The sample was randomly selected from the national population of high and medium-high technology firms, employing more than 49 people. We received a second-order general factor – quality of the information – that explained the high correlation among the four first-order factors. The resulting model had an acceptable level of data fit and relevant and high factor loadings for both, first and second order models.





Physical description



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