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2022 | 11 | 311-327

Article title

The Impact of Digital Technologies on Kazakh archivists in the Age of Globalization


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Based on the survey questionnaire and interviews with employees of the state archives across Kazakhstan, this article examines the impact of digital technology on Kazakh archivists. Although the impact of information technology on human life in the information age is growing, there is a lack of research in Kazakhstan about how the deep transformation in society engendered by digital technology has affected the national archival system and archivists. It is therefore not fully understood how they can influence and what changes they bring to the archival system in Kazakhstan and archivists. Hence, this study aims to fill the gap in this specific area and contribute to the scholarship on archival science. The results of the study empirically confirm the positive impact of information technology on the work of archivists. The obtained data require a critical approach to the role of information technology in the work of archivists.






Physical description




  • Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


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