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2017 | 2 | 95-118

Article title

Nowe ukierunkowanie pomocy publicznej na B+R+I w Unii Europejskiej na lata 2014–2020


Title variants

New Targets in State Aid for R&D&I in the European Union in 2014–2020

Languages of publication



State aid for R&D&I is one of governmental interventions which change companies’ behaviour from market-orientated to driven by government’s orders. Therefore there is an extended dispute between supporters of government interventions and free market economy believers. When seeking a golden solution we come across the concept of market failures, which proves the admissibility of public intervention, such as state aid. One of the exemptions in the field of public aid applies to state aid for research, development and innovation activities, which should assist and encourage the EU entrepreneurs to R&D&I activities. New guidelines on state aid for R&D&I substantially change conditions on admissible public support to entrepreneurs. Therefore, the aim of this article is to evaluate new directions of changes in assumptions, designated benefi ciaries and expected outcomes of state aid for research, development and innovation. On the basis of the research we can conclude that EU prefers to support R&D&I activities, which, at least partially, support the EU2020 goals and are expected to improve the availability of innovation techniques.






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  • Katedra Integracji Europejskiej im. J. Monneta, Szkoła Główna Handlowa


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