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2014 | 3/1 | 117-127

Article title

Rola preferencji celnych Unii Europejskiej w promowaniu rozwoju krajów rozwijających się


Title variants

The Role of Tariff Preferences of the European Union in Promoting the Development of Developing Countries

Languages of publication



Important role in promoting development in developing countries, developed countries play. By abolishing trade barriers against imports from these countries to enable them to greater participation in international trade and the associated greater benefits. The EU has long been taking action to ensure developing countries greater access to its market. For this purpose, the General System of Preferences – GSP, which provides a number of facilities in this area. Although in principle it should help to improve the difficult economic situation in developing countries, in practice, these effects are not always possible to achieve. This is due to several reasons, among others, the problem lies in the fact that it is a system too complicated, and few countries have benefited from it. This does not mean that the EU should stop activities aimed at providing greater access to its market for developing countries. It seems, however, that certain regulations requires the procedure for granting preferences.






Physical description



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Publication order reference


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