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2014 | 12 | (1)22 | 213-230

Article title

Media społecznościowe jako narzędzia nowej ewangelizacji

Selected contents from this journal

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Social media as tools of new evangelization

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In autumn 2012, XIII General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops was held, devoted to the issue of new evangelization. The aim of the congregation was to conclude upon the thought and action undertaken so far by the Church in the field of new evangelization. The Synod points out three categories of addressees of the evangelization mission. One of the Synodal recommendations concerns seeking new forms and methods of proclaiming the Good News to contemporary man. The author of this article responds to this Synodal appeal and attempts to focus the reader’s attention on social media as tools of new evangelization. The text starts with the definition of terms used in the title – “new evangelization” and “social media.” Then, one context of new evangelization is picked out of the six pinpointed by the Synod and discussed: the medial context. The third part of the article attempts to determine the points of convergence of new evangelization and the tools of social media. Finally, the fourth part deals with practical application of the discussed ideas and expounds the criteria that need to be met in planning an effective strategy of using social media in the evangelization efforts of a parish. In the concluding remarks, the author highlights further research directions in the domain, such as ethical and legal codes for Christian leaders undertaking evangelization activities in social media, or research on the assimilation of the evangelization content by homo medialis.








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  • Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Aleje Racławickie 14, 20-950 Lublin


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