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2017 | 24 | 64-84

Article title

WYSCHNIĘTE ŁZY Pamięć Zagłady w sztuce współczesnej


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The smoke stacks of Auschwitz have changed our perception of the world for ever, and even though so many years have passed since the end of the 2nd world war, the memory of the Holocaust is still alive. A great merit can be attributed to the artists, who constantly remind us of the time of Shoah with their works. The most visible here are the „monument” realizations in Treblinka (by Franciszek Duszeńko and Adam Haupt), Belżec (by Zdzisław Pidek with the team: Marcin Roszczyk and Andrzej Sołtyga), Buchenwald (by Horst Hoheisel and Andreas Knitz), as well as Berlin (Peter Eisenman’s project), in which the main emphasis was put not only on the sculptural form, but rather on the commemorative aspect of each concept. The memory of Shoah and the motif of death have become one of the main factors changing the aesthetics of the second part of the 20th century. Wywód otwiera analiza najważniejszych założeń pomnikowych, następnie autor omawia wybrane realizacje artystyczne, zarówno malarskie jak i instalacyjne, całość kończy zaś przykładami podejmowania tego tematu w książkach obrazkowych dla dzieci. The disquisition is started with the analysis of the most important monument concepts, then the author discusses selected artistic realisations, both from the field of painting and installation art, while the whole is concluded with examples of treating this subject in picture books for kids.






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