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2016 | 45 EN | 35-50

Article title

Spelling and punctuation efficiency of first and second grade students of primary school. Evaluation of rewritten texts


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This article presents the results of studies aimed at assessing the efficiency of spelling and punctuation among primary school students of first and second grade. The research materials were derived from empirical research conducted by A. Domagała and U. Mirecka, used in terms of efficiency in the graphomotor monograph entitled Grafomotoryka u dzieci w wieku 7–13 lat (2010). For the purpose of this study the author has analyzed the available materials – 200 texts in total, obtained from the students (two samples from each child). In this case, the study was conducted on a group of 100 students (50 children from each level of education, equal groups of girls and boys). Analysis of the gathered materials allowed the identification of the spelling level of each student as well as the entire population, within the typology of errors in writing and after making characteristics of the comparative performance of students with level of education and gender of the tested subjects. As a result, the scale of writing problems of students in grades I–II of primary school was shown, achieved on the basis of the rewritten texts. The results of this study indicate a higher level of writing skills in girls and less severe errors in attempts to rewrite the texts in second grade pupils.






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  • Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin Logopedics with Audiology Student


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