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2021 | 3(164) | 37-61

Article title

Dychotomiczny podział referendów dotyczących integracji europejskiej. Europejskie referenda bottom-up



Title variants

The dichotomous division of referendums on European integration. European bottom-up referendums

Languages of publication



One of the permanent instruments shaping the acquis communautaire are national referendums, which, although they have a different legal basis in each country, due to their scope, are combined into a common category of referendums on European integration (European referendums). Followed shortly by revision referendums, membership referendums were the first to appear in the integration process. The said referendums are part of the process of the top-down law Europeanisation. They do not, however, exhaust the catalogue of referendums on European integration, which also includes bottom-up Europeanisation national referendums. Because in each case of referendums it is possible to clearly indicate the type of Europeanisation (top-down, bottom-up) which they implement – it seems that this process may become the basis for the internal diversification of European referendums. The aim of the article is to propose a dichotomous division into European top-down and bottom-up referendums, and to analyse the categories of European bottom-up referendums. Six referendums organised after the TL’s entry into force were analysed. These are referendums that took place in: Denmark, Greece, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Hungary.





Physical description


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