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1981 | 1-2 | 29-47

Article title

Tryptyk z Dłużca i Madonna z Lipnicy Murowanej - dwie aranżacje konserwatorskie



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The article deals with problems involved in the modes o f conservation o f works of art, searches for contemporary doctrines and a ttempts to confront them with practice. The a lta r from Dłużec and a sculpture o f the M adonna with the Child from Lipnica Murowana provide the subject-matter fo r discussions. The two items represent historic monuments which have been preserved till to-day n o t only in a very bad condition b u t also heavily disfigured formally and substantially. In this context, conservation interference h ad to bring about far-reaching effects. The triptych from Dłużec is a complex work of art. As can be seen from historical studies, it is a „recomposition” of a traditional Gothic triptych executed a t rather a late date (after 1780) with the use of a number o f elements coming from the church at Dłużec and representing different periods from Gothic onwards. Nevertheless, the a lta r can be regarded as a compact entity both in terms o f its formality and substance. When trying to find a proper way of conservation procedure, two possibilities were taken into consideration: either to maintain theexisting arrangement seeing in it real historical, cultural and even artistic values, or to put down the altar and to exhibit individual elements in museums. After thorough studies and analyses, which have brought quite a lot from the viewpoint of the history of art, and after professional discussions, it was decided to carry out the conservation of the entire object as it was. The second presented monument is a Gothic sculpture of the Madonna with the Child from Lipnica Murowana, dating back to the late 14th century. In the 18th century the figure was altered and adapted for the purpose of rosary worshipping. This alteration in a primitive Baroque style did not create a sufficient equivalent of values as was the case with the altar from Dłużec but resulted in the degradation of this work of art. And so, following studies and discussions, it was decided to remove subsequent layers and to reconstruct the altar and thus to restore its use as an object of cult. It is easy to separate the elements added from the genuine ones. The reconstructed elements were based on a comparative analysis. The conservation restored a valuable monument representative of the 14th-century-wood carving in Little Poland. The conservation of the two monuments was carried out in 1977— 1979 in a Cracow branch office o f the Enterprise for the Conservation of Art. The modes o f procedure employed in both cases were different with regard to the doctrine. In the first case it was the intentional maintenance o f transformations and historical stratifications, while in the second case it was their removal. Still, one can hardly speak of a discrepancy. A proper conservation practice is based on the observance and respect paid to essential values of monuments and not on the use o f rigid doctrines, the knowledge o f which should play an advisory role only. Each monument has its individual features, the essence of which must be found in an arduous process of considerations, confrontations and scientific discussions.






Physical description




  • mgr, PP PKZ — Oddział w Krakowie; IS PAN w Warszawie


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Document Type

Publication order reference


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