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2008 | 57 | 2 | 9-44

Article title

Praca nad tożsamościa europejską (Zarys zespołowego projektu badań)



Title variants

European identity work (First draft of a proposal for a joint research project)

Languages of publication



Processes of European identity formation are analysed here in terms of identity work and, specifically, relationship (interplay) between biographical and collective identity work. First sections of the text (1 and 2) are focussed on grounding the approach in a range of theoretical orientations (symbolic interactionism and culturalist perspectives), on outlining its methodological implications (the rationale for using the method of autobiographical narrative interviewing and various methods of text analysis), and, finally, on developing research questions and preliminary analytical dimensions of studying the collective identity work, especially in relation to European identity work, the latter being based on results of the author’s research on the minority nation society of Wales (e.g. collective identity constructions, and figurations, in terms of cultural periphery / centre, hybridity, and marginality). In the next step of analysis, these preliminary questions and dimensions are related to problems of European identity work in general. In the next section (3) overall heuristic strategies of the offered project are formulated: the attitude of refractive self-reflection, the dialogical principle of calibrating research interactants’ perspectives, a multi-layer approach to the interplay between individual experiences and a variety of collective meaning resources, the strategy of contrastive comparison of studied cases and, finally, the zooming procedure of focussing (coding) empirical materials. The last section of the text (4) relates to the objectives / expected products of the project concerning dimensions and integrated model of collective identity work in Europe, and their practical implications for a range of social / political activities in education, legislation, governance, as well as for NGOs, social arenas and social movements.
Procesy kształtowanie się europejskiej tożsamości są w tym tekście analizowane w kategoriach „pracy nad tożsamością”, w szczególności jako wzajemne oddziaływanie poziomu doświadczeń biograficznych i kolektywnych. Pierwsze części tekstu (1 i 2) są skupione na ugruntowaniu takiego podejścia w rozmaitych orientacjach teoretycznych (interakcjonizm symboliczny i perspektywy kulturalistyczne), zarysowaniu jego metodologicznych implikacji (uzasadnienie użycia metody autobiograficznego wywiadu narracyjnego i szeregu metod analizy tekstu) oraz na sformułowaniu problemów i wstępnych wymiarów analitycznych badania pracy nad tożsamością zbiorową, zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do Europy. Te ostatnie są rezultatem badań autora nad zagadnieniami narodowymi społeczeństwa Walii (np. problem konstrukcji tożsamości zbiorowej oraz figuracji typu centrum / peryferie, hybrydowość oraz marginalność). Stanowią one punkt wyjścia do analizy zagadnienia „pracy nad tożsamością europejską” w perspektywie ogólnej. W części następnej (3) nakreślone są heurystyczne strategie badania, obejmujące postawę refrakcyjnej autorefleksji (spojrzenie na siebie z punktu widzenia ‘kulturowego innego’), zasadę dialogowego ustalania perspektyw przyjmowanych przez badaczy, podejście do relacji między doświadczeniem biograficznym i odmianami kolektywnych zasobów znaczeniowych z punktu widzenia wielowarstwowego charakteru powiązań między nimi, strategię wyboru zasad kontrastywnej analizy badanych przypadków, wreszcie procedurę „zmiennej ogniskowej” w kodowaniu materiału empirycznego. Tematem ostatniej części (4) są cele i spodziewane rezultaty badania: określenie wymiarów i całościowego modelu „pracy nad tożsamością europejską”, a także ich implikacji dla rozmaitych dziedzin społecznej i politycznej praktyki – edukacji, legislacji, praktyki rządzenia / zarządzania, jak również działalności organizacji pozarządowych, aren i ruchów społecznych.








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  • University of Magdeburg


  • Ammon Ulrich, Norbert Dittmar and Klaus J. Mattheier, eds. (1987), Sociolinguistics. An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society. (Two volumes). Berlin and New York
  • Anderson Benedict (1991), Imagined Communities, Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, London and New York: Verso
  • Bellah Robert N. et al. (1985), Habits of the Heart. Berkeley: University of California Press
  • Balint Michael: Die Struktur der “Trainig-cum Research“- Gruppen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Medizin. In: Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse, Vol. V/1968, pp 125 f.
  • Blumer Herbert (1969), Symbolic Interactionism. Perspective and Method. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall
  • Bohnsack Ralf (1991), Rekonstruktive Sozialforschung. Einführung in die Methodologie und Praxis qualitativer Sozialforschung. Opladen: Leske & Budrich
  • Chałasiński Józef (1938), Młode pokolenie chłopów [The Young Generation of Peasants]. Warsaw: Państwowy Instytut Wsi
  • Day Graham (2002), Making Sense of Wales. A Sociological Perspective. Cardiff: University of Wales Press
  • Davies Norman (1999), The Isles. A History. London: Macmillan
  • De Tocqueville Alexis (1835, 1840), Democracy in America. The Henry Reeve text as revised by Francis Bowen. New York: Adlard and Saunders – George Dearborn & Co.
  • Dewey John (1929), Experience and Nature. 2nd edition. New York: The Open Court Publishing Company
  • Dewey John (1934), Art as Experience. New York: Minton, Balch, and Company
  • Dumont J.-P. (1978), The Headman and I. Ambiguity and Ambivalence in the Fieldworking Experience. Austin and London
  • Erikson H. Erik (1987), A Way of Looking at Things. Selected Papers from 1930 to 1980. Edited by Stephen Schlein. New York and London: W. W. Norton and Company
  • Faubion James D. (2001), Currents of Cultural Fieldwork. In: A. Atkinson et al., eds., Handbook of Ethnography. London, Thousand Oaks and New Delhi: Sage, pp. 39–59
  • Fine Gary Alan, ed. (1995), A Second Chicago School? The Development of a Postwar American Sociology. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press
  • Fischer Joschka (2000), Vom Staatenbund zur Föderation – Gedanken über die Finalität der europäischen Integration. Rede am 12. Mai 2000 in der Humboldt-Universität in Bremen
  • Fischer Joschka (2001), Speech on the Occasion of the Presentation of the German-British Award. London, 24.01.2001
  • Fisher Berenice and Anselm L. Strauss (1978), Interactionism. In: T. Bottomore and R. Nisbet, eds., A History of Sociological Analysis. London: Heinemann, pp. 457–498
  • Garfinkel Harold (1961), Aspects of Common-Sense of Social Structures. In Transactions of the Fourth World Congress of Sociology. Milan and Stresa (8–15. 9. 1959), vol. IV: The Sociology of Knowledge. International Sociological Association, Louvain 1961, pp. 51–65
  • Giddens Anthony (1991), Modernity and Self-Identity. Self and Society in the Late Modern Age. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press
  • Glaser Barney, and Strauss Anselm L. (1967), Discovery of Grounded Theory. Chicago: Aldine
  • Kłoskowska Antonina (2000), National Cultures at the Grass-Root Level. Budapest: CEU Press
  • Mannheim Karl (1964), Wissenssoziologie. Berlin and Neuwied: Luchterhand
  • Mead George Herbert (1932), The Philosophy of the Present. Chicago: Open Court
  • Mead George Herbert (1934), Mind, Self and Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1934
  • Mead George Herbert (1938), The Philosophy of the Act. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1938
  • Mead George Herbert (1964), National-Mindedness and International-Mindedness. In: A. J. Reck, ed., George Herbert Mead. Selected Writings, Indianapolis, New York, Kansas City: Bobbs-Merrill 1964, pp. 355–370
  • Mead George Herbert (1982), Edited by D. Miller. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • Nohoglu Soysal Yasemin (2002): Locating Europe. In: European Societies, Vol. 4 (3), 2002, pp. 265–284
  • Ossowski Stanislaw (1984) O ojczyznie i narodzie [On Fatherland and Nation], Warsaw: [PWN] Scientific Publishers
  • Park Robert E. and Miller, H. A. (1921), Old World Traits Transplanted. New York: Harper
  • Park Robert E. (1922), The Immigrant Press and Its Control. New York: Harper
  • Park Robert E. et al. (1925), The City. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • Park Robert E. (1950–1955), The Collected Papers of Robert E. Park. Edited by E. Hughes et al., three volumes, vol. 1 Race and Culture (1950); vol. 2 Human Communities: The City and Human Ecology (1952); vol. 3 Society: Collective Behavior, News and Opinion, Sociology and Modern Society (1955). Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press
  • Park Robert E. (1967), On social control and collective behavior. Selected papers. Edited and with an introduction by Ralph H. Turner. Chicago and London: Phoenix Books
  • Sacks Harvey (1992), Lectures on conversation. (Two Volumes). Edited by Gail Jefferson with an introduction by Emanuel A. Schegloff. Oxford: Basil Blackwell
  • Schegloff, Emmanuel, and Sacks, Harvey (1973): Opening up Closings. In: Semiotica 8, pp. 289–327
  • Schütze Fritz (1992), Pressure and Guilt. War Experiences of Young German Soldier and their Biographical Implications. Part 1 and 2. In: International Sociology. Vol. 7, No. 2 and 3, pp. 187–208, 347 367
  • Simmel Georg (1958), Exkurs über den Fremden. In: Soziologie. Untersuchungen über die Formen der Vergesellschaftung. Berlin: Duncker und Humblot
  • Soysal Yasemin Nuho?ğlu (2002), Locating Europe, “European Societes”, 4 (3)
  • Spencer Jonathan (2001), Ethnography After Postmodernism. In: P. Atkinson et al., eds., Handbook of Ethnography. London, Thousand Oaks and New Delhi: Sage, pp. 443–452
  • Stonequist Everett (1937), The Marginal Man. New York: Charles Sribner´s Sons
  • Strauss Anselm L. (1959), Mirrors and Masks. The Search for Identity. Glencoe, IL: Free Press
  • Strauss Anselm L. (1978), A Social World Perspective. In: Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol. 1, edited by N. Denzin. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, pp. 119–128
  • Strauss Anselm L. (1985), Work and the Division of Labor. In: The Sociological Quarterly 26, Issue 1, pp. 1–19
  • Strauss Anselm L. (1987), Qualitative Analysis for Social Scientists. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press
  • Strauss Anselm L. (1993), Continual Permutations of Action. New York: Aldine de Gruyter
  • Strauss Anselm L. et al. (1985), Social Organization of Medical Work. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press
  • Strauss Anselm, and Corbin Juliet (1990), Basics of Qualitative Research. Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. Newbury Park, London and New Delhi: Sage
  • Viehoff Reinhold, and Segers, Rien T., eds. (1999), Kultur, Identität, Europa. Über die Schwierigkeiten und Möglichkeiten einer Konstruktion. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp
  • Wallerstein Immanuel et al. (1996), Open the Social Sciences. A report of the Gulbenkian Commission on the restructuring of the social sciences. Stanford
  • Wetherell Margaret, Stephanie Taylor and Simeon Yates, eds. (2001), Discourse Theory and Practice. A Reader. London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage
  • Znaniecki Florian (1930/31), Studia nad antagonizmem do obcych [Studies on Antagonism against Strangers], [w:] „Przegląd Socjologiczny”, t. 1, no. 2–4. Reprinted in the Polish edition of “Modern Nationalities“
  • Znaniecki Florian (1973) [1952], Modern Nationalities. A Sociological Study. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press
  • Ammon Ulrich, Norbert Dittmar and Klaus J. Mattheier, eds. (1987), Sociolinguistics. An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society. (Two volumes). Berlin and New York
  • Anderson Benedict (1991), Imagined Communities, Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, London and New York: Verso
  • Bellah Robert N. et al. (1985), Habits of the Heart. Berkeley: University of California Press
  • Balint Michael: Die Struktur der “Trainig-cum Research“- Gruppen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Medizin. In: Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse, Vol. V/1968, pp 125 f.
  • Blumer Herbert (1969), Symbolic Interactionism. Perspective and Method. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall
  • Bohnsack Ralf (1991), Rekonstruktive Sozialforschung. Einführung in die Methodologie und Praxis qualitativer Sozialforschung. Opladen: Leske & Budrich
  • Chałasiński Józef (1938), Młode pokolenie chłopów [The Young Generation of Peasants]. Warsaw: Państwowy Instytut Wsi
  • Day Graham (2002), Making Sense of Wales. A Sociological Perspective. Cardiff: University of Wales Press
  • Davies Norman (1999), The Isles. A History. London: Macmillan
  • De Tocqueville Alexis (1835, 1840), Democracy in America. The Henry Reeve text as revised by Francis Bowen. New York: Adlard and Saunders – George Dearborn & Co.
  • Dewey John (1929), Experience and Nature. 2nd edition. New York: The Open Court Publishing Company
  • Dewey John (1934), Art as Experience. New York: Minton, Balch, and Company
  • Dumont J.-P. (1978), The Headman and I. Ambiguity and Ambivalence in the Fieldworking Experience. Austin and London
  • Erikson H. Erik (1987), A Way of Looking at Things. Selected Papers from 1930 to 1980. Edited by Stephen Schlein. New York and London: W. W. Norton and Company
  • Faubion James D. (2001), Currents of Cultural Fieldwork. In: A. Atkinson et al., eds., Handbook of Ethnography. London, Thousand Oaks and New Delhi: Sage, pp. 39–59
  • Fine Gary Alan, ed. (1995), A Second Chicago School? The Development of a Postwar American Sociology. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press
  • Fischer Joschka (2000), Vom Staatenbund zur Föderation – Gedanken über die Finalität der europäischen Integration. Rede am 12. Mai 2000 in der Humboldt-Universität in Bremen
  • Fischer Joschka (2001), Speech on the Occasion of the Presentation of the German-British Award. London, 24.01.2001
  • Fisher Berenice and Anselm L. Strauss (1978), Interactionism. In: T. Bottomore and R. Nisbet, eds., A History of Sociological Analysis. London: Heinemann, pp. 457–498
  • Garfinkel Harold (1961), Aspects of Common-Sense of Social Structures. In Transactions of the Fourth World Congress of Sociology. Milan and Stresa (8–15. 9. 1959), vol. IV: The Sociology of Knowledge. International Sociological Association, Louvain 1961, pp. 51–65
  • Giddens Anthony (1991), Modernity and Self-Identity. Self and Society in the Late Modern Age. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press
  • Glaser Barney, and Strauss Anselm L. (1967), Discovery of Grounded Theory. Chicago: Aldine
  • Kłoskowska Antonina (2000), National Cultures at the Grass-Root Level. Budapest: CEU Press
  • Mannheim Karl (1964), Wissenssoziologie. Berlin and Neuwied: Luchterhand
  • Mead George Herbert (1932), The Philosophy of the Present. Chicago: Open Court
  • Mead George Herbert (1934), Mind, Self and Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1934
  • Mead George Herbert (1938), The Philosophy of the Act. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1938
  • Mead George Herbert (1964), National-Mindedness and International-Mindedness. In: A. J. Reck, ed., George Herbert Mead. Selected Writings, Indianapolis, New York, Kansas City: Bobbs-Merrill 1964, pp. 355–370
  • Mead George Herbert (1982), Edited by D. Miller. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • Nohoglu Soysal Yasemin (2002): Locating Europe. In: European Societies, Vol. 4 (3), 2002, pp. 265–284
  • Ossowski Stanislaw (1984) O ojczyznie i narodzie [On Fatherland and Nation], Warsaw: [PWN] Scientific Publishers
  • Park Robert E. and Miller, H. A. (1921), Old World Traits Transplanted. New York: Harper
  • Park Robert E. (1922), The Immigrant Press and Its Control. New York: Harper
  • Park Robert E. et al. (1925), The City. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • Park Robert E. (1950–1955), The Collected Papers of Robert E. Park. Edited by E. Hughes et al., three volumes, vol. 1 Race and Culture (1950); vol. 2 Human Communities: The City and Human Ecology (1952); vol. 3 Society: Collective Behavior, News and Opinion, Sociology and Modern Society (1955). Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press
  • Park Robert E. (1967), On social control and collective behavior. Selected papers. Edited and with an introduction by Ralph H. Turner. Chicago and London: Phoenix Books
  • Sacks Harvey (1992), Lectures on conversation. (Two Volumes). Edited by Gail Jefferson with an introduction by Emanuel A. Schegloff. Oxford: Basil Blackwell
  • Schegloff, Emmanuel, and Sacks, Harvey (1973): Opening up Closings. In: Semiotica 8, pp. 289–327
  • Schütze Fritz (1992), Pressure and Guilt. War Experiences of Young German Soldier and their Biographical Implications. Part 1 and 2. In: International Sociology. Vol. 7, No. 2 and 3, pp. 187–208, 347 367
  • Simmel Georg (1958), Exkurs über den Fremden. In: Soziologie. Untersuchungen über die Formen der Vergesellschaftung. Berlin: Duncker und Humblot
  • Soysal Yasemin Nuho?ğlu (2002), Locating Europe, “European Societes”, 4 (3)
  • Spencer Jonathan (2001), Ethnography After Postmodernism. In: P. Atkinson et al., eds., Handbook of Ethnography. London, Thousand Oaks and New Delhi: Sage, pp. 443–452
  • Stonequist Everett (1937), The Marginal Man. New York: Charles Sribner´s Sons
  • Strauss Anselm L. (1959), Mirrors and Masks. The Search for Identity. Glencoe, IL: Free Press
  • Strauss Anselm L. (1978), A Social World Perspective. In: Studies in Symbolic Interaction, Vol. 1, edited by N. Denzin. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, pp. 119–128
  • Strauss Anselm L. (1985), Work and the Division of Labor. In: The Sociological Quarterly 26, Issue 1, pp. 1–19
  • Strauss Anselm L. (1987), Qualitative Analysis for Social Scientists. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press
  • Strauss Anselm L. (1993), Continual Permutations of Action. New York: Aldine de Gruyter
  • Strauss Anselm L. et al. (1985), Social Organization of Medical Work. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press
  • Strauss Anselm, and Corbin Juliet (1990), Basics of Qualitative Research. Grounded Theory Procedures and Techniques. Newbury Park, London and New Delhi: Sage
  • Viehoff Reinhold, and Segers, Rien T., eds. (1999), Kultur, Identität, Europa. Über die Schwierigkeiten und Möglichkeiten einer Konstruktion. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp
  • Wallerstein Immanuel et al. (1996), Open the Social Sciences. A report of the Gulbenkian Commission on the restructuring of the social sciences. Stanford
  • Wetherell Margaret, Stephanie Taylor and Simeon Yates, eds. (2001), Discourse Theory and Practice. A Reader. London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage
  • Znaniecki Florian (1930/31), Studia nad antagonizmem do obcych [Studies on Antagonism against Strangers], [w:] „Przegląd Socjologiczny”, t. 1, no. 2–4. Reprinted in the Polish edition of “Modern Nationalities“
  • Znaniecki Florian (1973) [1952], Modern Nationalities. A Sociological Study. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press

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