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2018 | 6 | 1-15

Article title

Реализация Региональной Политики Приграничных Регионов И Территорий Украины



Title variants

Implementation Of The Regional Policy Of The Border Regions And Territories Of Ukraine

Languages of publication



The paper proposes new approaches to the implementation of regional strategies of border regions and territories of Ukraine. There were the following areas in which it is advisable to use and develop the conception and conceptual apparatus of the border area within the framework of the regional economy: an approach in which the border area is viewed as an area adjacent to a fixed front line that has a significant socio-economic impact on this territory; an approach in which the border is viewed not as a fixed line, but as a “frontal limit” of the influence of the state border on the adjacent territory. The following are proposed as possible approaches to the analysis and evaluation of regional competitive regions and territories: an approach based on the theory of regional reproduction, concepts of value chains, regional capital, and capitalization of the territory; approach based on categories of human capital, demographic potential, level of socio-economic development of the territory, level and quality of life of the population of the region; an approach based on the theory of bioregionalism, the concept of sustainable (environmentally balanced) development, the concepts of natural resource and ecological potential of the territory; an integrated approach based on the concept of “ecogeotrions”, which allows to assess the degree of balance between the three main components of regional competitiveness (economic, social and environmental).







Physical description


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