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2014 | 12 | (1)22 | 197-212

Article title

Innowacyjne środki dydaktyczne w pracy katechetycznej

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Innovative didactic aids in religious education

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In the first part of the article entitled the relationship between catechesis and technological innovations is shown. This highlights the role of new technologies in communication between generations, since this depends on both the deposit and faith, as well as the pedagogical process, which are the constitutive elements of catechetical mission. Finally, the fundamental challenges in present times have been pointed out, showing that they are so heavily penetrated by the tele-information culture. Therefore, it may be concluded that innovative training resources may be a valuable help in the process of teaching religion, when a teacher will seek to understand changes that have taken place in cultural awareness and psychology in a new generation. However, they only play a supportive function to catechetical methodology and pedagogical strategy and they should never substitute the catechist and his or her personal relationship with a student.








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  • Podkarpackie Centrum Edukacji Nauczycieli, ul. Partyzantów 10, 35-234 Rzeszów


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