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2017 | 47 | 115-132

Article title

Przekład literacki jako postpamięć w podróży O warunkach recepcji polskich powieści o tematyce postpamięciowej w Hiszpanii

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Literary Translation as Travelling Memory. On the Circumstances of the Reception of Polish Postmemorial Novels in Spain

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The phenomenon of the translation of postmemorial novels could be interpreted as a case of a so called travelling memory. The notion of postmemory connotes a temporal shift, while the process of translation implies a spacial one. In order to study the reception of such literary works in a foreign context, it is necessary not only to take into account such aspects as the knowledge of the receiving public about their historical background and the source literary system but also the existence – or lack – of parallel literary forms of expressing memory in the target culture. In the article, conditions of the reception in Spain of three Polish postmemorial novels, Weiser Dawidek by Paweł Huelle, Hanemann by Stefan Chwin and Tworki by Marek Bieńczyk, are discussed on.



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