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2016 | 1(28) | 325-352

Article title

Possibilities of using the process management in public organisations for improving good governance


Title variants

Możliwości wykorzystania zarządzania procesami w organizacjach publicznych dla poprawy dobrego zarządzania

Languages of publication



Nowadays the requirements for good governance under the pressure of global development crisis become not only legitimate but even necessary. Good Governance concept is relatively known in theoretical area, first of all in area of good governance principles. Principles such as efficiency, transparency, efficiency and responsibilities etc. are the basis of the concept of Good Governance. The second important aspect of the concept is the procedural feature because the processes running (including decision making) create a basic area for the application of the principles. The primary research question is how Good Governance concept could be implemented in to the practice for support modern democratic public administration. The procedural aspect of the concept requires a direct connection with the new trends in public management, which are influenced by New Public management. New Public management is trying to revitalize the processes of public organizations with inspirations of wellestablished managerial methods from private sector (including process management and others). Good governance concept and New Public Management have been inspiration for administrative reforms in many countries. The paper deals with the possibility of using the process management in intraorganizational area in public organizations for better governance in wider perspective. It’s focusing on analysis of benefits of process management in the context of keeping the selected good governance principles. Part of the paper is to analyse some of critical factors determining the implementation of process management in the public sector in Slovakia.





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  • Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Public Administration, Slovak Republic
  • Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Public Administration, Slovak Republic
  • Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Faculty of Public Administration, Slovak Republic


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