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2020 | 2 (346) | 9-48

Article title

Podstawowe problemy stosowania znowelizowanej ustawy o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego (cz. III)


Title variants

Fundamental problems with applying the amended Act on the Agricultural System (part III)
Grundprobleme der Anwendung des erneuerten Gesetzes über die Bildung des Agrarsystems (Teil III)

Languages of publication



At present, the agricultural real estate can be, in principle, acquired only by an, so called, individual farmer. However, the latest amendments to the Act of 11 April 2003 on Formation of the Agricultural System, created some new, liberalizing derogations from previously mentioned general rule. Moreover, together with these derogations, the structure of the Act has become more complicated. This article is devoted to the questions caused by modified regulations, especially in the field of notary practice.






Physical description


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Document Type

Publication order reference


YADDA identifier

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