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2012 | 8 | 57-63

Article title

Wiedza dziś – sukces jutro. Przedsiębiorczość w strategii rozwoju edukacji w Polsce.



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The first part of this paper discusses the reasons of introducing the “Business studies” subject into the Polish education system. It refers, among other things, to Recommendations of the European Parliament and the Council in which the entrepreneurship is listed as one of eight key competencies that can be acquired during life-long learning process. The paper emphasises specific conditions related to economic changes in Poland and lack of tradition of bringing teenagers up in the spirit of entrepreneurship. The data quoted has shown how important is to increase the economic awareness of young Poles and to stimulate entrepreneurial attitudes among students from the point of view of an individual, the society and the country. The second part contains observations on methods that can be applied when teaching business studies subject during classes and extracurricular activities in post-secondary school. At last, the examples of the most interesting projects and the most important achievements of students engaged in activities of School Entrepreneurship Club in the 2nd Upper Secondary School in Nowy Sącz are presented.



  • II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. M. Konopnickiej w Nowym Sączu, Polska


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