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2018 | 25/4 | 117-128

Article title

Okulograficzna analiza stopnia dostosowania podręczników szkolnych do nauki języka angielskiego do potrzeb uczniów z dysleksją rozwojową. Cz. I: opis problemu badawczego, metodologia i wyniki badań psychologicznych


Title variants

An eye tracking analysis of the level of adjusting the school textbooks of English to the needs of dyslectic students. Part I: explication of the research problem, methods and results of the psychological testing

Languages of publication



There is a need for research concerning visual features of student friendly foreign language textbooks. Most dyslexia experts agree that dyslexic students experience problems in both their mother tongue and in foreign languages they study. Since the prevalence of developmental dyslexia ranges from 10 to 15%, this problem concerns a significant percentage of foreign language textbook users. As a result, dyslexic students may learn from textbooks which are not suitable for them. The primary goal of our project is to answer the question about the relationship between the level of performance in tasks used in dyslexia identification, English decoding and eye tracking with the use of English language textbooks. In the first (psychological) part of our research we have assessed our subjects’ literacy skills as an introduction to further research leading to conclusions about the ability to learn a foreign language based on foreign language textbooks.





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  • Gimnazjum i Liceum Programów Indywidualnych w Gdańsku-Oliwie
  • Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych, Warszawa
  • Uniwersytet Warszawski
  • Uniwersytet Warszawski


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