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2019 | 12 | 99-110

Article title

Ku pamięci. Kolor w dyskursie akademickim



Title variants

In memory of. The colour in academic discourse

Languages of publication



The article refers to the theory of colour, the theory of perception, contemporary media morphosis and the postulates of multimedia stylistics. The author undertakes the presented deliberations for two reasons. Perception, remembering and learning are important for the teaching process at the university regardless of the passage of time. Both the lecturer and the student are interested in the effective acquisition of content. Multimodality as an attribute of the prevailing products of contemporary culture should be the subject of interest for discourse linguistics. The author’s research goal is to examine the effectiveness of font colours used in academic Power Point slides. In a multimedia presentation as a form of a lecture, a public reception takes place, alongside listening with reading and watching. The synergy of the spoken word and the bit-based text occurs. The author puts forward the claim that colour can be a factor in supporting or losing the listener’s directional attention. The second claim is that a colourful area, or a background for a printed text, is different from the colour of the font used in a text that students are required to read and watch from a distance. When the lecturer stands in front of the audience, they can manage its attention through various means. One of them is visualization in the form of the font colour choice within the slide. The article is a proposal of a certain type of research, but the author also presents the results of an experiment. Its results allow to reject the dominant role of the text placed on the slide. Some students correctly recalled the information conveyed only in the spoken form.




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