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2018 | 28 | 69-82

Article title

Urzeczywistnianie się Kościoła w dialogu ekumenicznym – perspektywa katolicka



Title variants

Self-realization of the Church in ecumenical dialogue – Catholic perspective

Languages of publication



In the context of reflections on the Church as a dialogical reality, the article aims to show ecumenical dialogue as an essential element of the ecclesial identity. Although the doctrinal dialogue itself does not exhaust the ecumenical activity of the Church, it is an important instrument in the process of rebuilding its visible unity and expressing the dialogical structure of the Church. Therefore, it was assumed that in the conditions of confessional divisions the ecumenical dialogue should be appreciate in its churchbuilding role as much as it is done in relation to the traditional forms of dialogue of faith. In order to achieve the proper aim of the article, the general assumptions of understanding of the Church as a dialogical reality and dialogue as a method which has been applied in developing of a consensus of faith in the Church were made first. Subsequent points are focused on showing the importance of ecumenical dialogue for the realization of the ecclesial identity of churches and ecclesial communities and the conditions which has enabled the Catholic side to remove the original obstacles to the recognition of ecumenical dialogue as an important ecclesial reality.






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