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2012 | 13 - "Stare" i "nowe" mocarstwa w Afryce - stygmaty kulturowe, religijne, polityczne, ekonomiczne i społeczne | 629-648

Article title

Organizacje międzynarodowe i wybrane państwa wobec sporu o Saharę Zachodnią


Title variants

International organizations and the countries facing the conflict over the Western Sahara

Languages of publication



The issue of political status of the Western Sahara is an intricate bundle of contradictions. The countries which lay claim to its territory put forward a number of legal, historical, ethnical as well as geopolitical arguments. It is pointed out that this untied Gordian Knot breeds pernicious implications for international relations becoming the source of instability in the Maghreb countries. Additionally it is emphasized that no effort to solve this conflict was successful and what is more it seems that there are few hopes for a complete settling this dispute in the future. In the article the standpoints of the countries as well as international organizations concerning the Western Sahara conflict are presented as well as efforts of these political entities to solve this conflict.



  • Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie


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