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2015 | 19 | 2 | 106-121

Article title

Lean Management Genesis


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Lean Management is a philosophy and management concept, based on reduction of the waste and resources used in the process of producing goods and providing services. Lean Management genesis dates back to scientific management in America (for example concepts of H. Ford and F.W. Taylor) and quality management, including development of TQM concept. Japanese Toyota Production System has been inspired by chosen elements of these concepts, and then it evolved towards global concept called Toyota Way (which connects production rules with values and work attitude). TPS is considered to be a major precursor of lean manufacturing and now more widely – Lean Management. LM is a broader set of organisational and management tools, formed mainly by the Japanese culture, but also subjected to the Western influences in the field of organisation and management (Jakonis 2011, Parkes 2014).










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  • University of Social Sciences, Lodz


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