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2015 | 48 | 3 | 188-197

Article title

Systems Approach to Standardisation, Classification and Modelling of Managed Events for Tourism

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Background and Purpose: The standardisation and classification of managed events provide a legislative basis to distinguish events managed for tourism in their characteristics and quality. The systems approach to standardisation and classification of managed events is a unique, holistic view of event management quality and event organization in tourism. It enables a clear overview of a researched topic and provides adequate support to design and decision-making. In this paper, we explain the meaning of standardisation and classification for Slovenian legislation related to event management. We present the importance of a systems approach methodology for event categorization and classification as it relates to the quality of event management organization, the quality of staff, the quality of the event program and the quality of event services. Objectives: Provide an overview of events in tourism, related definitions and information gathered from scientific authors, which serves as current systems approach principles with which we want to achieve the desired results, positive changes in legislation; in our case-in the field of managed event quality for tourism through standardisation and classification of events on the national level in Slovenia. Method: A descriptive method and systems approach methods are fundamental methodological principles in our analysis. In the context of a systems approach, we used qualitative modelling and constructed causal loop models (CLD) of the legislative system of events and investments in the events. We also used context-dependent modelling (SD model) in a frame of systems dynamics. Results: We present the most appropriate solution to eliminate our problem or question about how to achieve high quality and unique events within event tourism and with event management, thereby creating added value to an event legislative system. We explain suggestions for achieving triple-bottom elements through well-designed quality standards and classification of events, which leads to an optimal categorization of events. Conclusion: From a systems point of view, event tourism processes, including event management, are systems consisting of people and technologies with the purpose of designing, producing, trading and deploying the idea of an event. It is necessary to transform the current Slovenian legislative system of events and prepare a document which standardizes and classifies events based on systems approach methodology.










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  • University of Primorska, Faculty of Tourism Studies Portorož – TURISTICA, Obala 11a, SI - 6320 Portorož
  • Šentvid pri Grobelnem 29a, SI- 3231 Grobelno


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