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2015 | 4 | 1 | 67-79

Article title

Educational and Psychological Aspects of Environmental Awareness and a Sense of Belonging


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The research problem concerns the sphere of relationships with the environment and an individual's awareness in the aspect of satisfying the need for belonging. This research aims to determine the conditions of relationships with the environment and an individual's awareness in the process of personality formation. The research is constituted by an analysis of literary sources in education, psychology, philosophy and folklore studies as well as by a study of the formation process of a sense of belonging in Latvian folk songs or dainas. This research shows that a sense of belonging is associated with harmony between an individual and the surrounding environment. It is developed in the space of conditions for an individual's self-realisation that balances individual and social interests. For the development of inborn gifts, a natural environment of upbringing is needed. For the development of a sustainable education model in Latvia, the ideas found in Latvian dainas that have ascertained their sustainability may be of importance.









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