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2012 | 4 | 2 | 63-76

Article title

Sustainable Marketing - a new Era in the Responsible Marketing Development

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The purpose of this paper is to draw to the attention of those involved in marketing - scientists, educators, researchers, marketers, and professionals dealing with the implementation of marketing processes - the responsibility which rests upon them in the face of rapid social change worldwide through increasing global economic turbulence, a continuously widening gap between rich and poor societies as well as the galloping degradation of the natural environment. The paper is a critical analysis and literature review of marketing covering recent studies on marketing issues in relation to the concept of sustainability. Faced with increasing criticisms of a one-dimensional profit driven approach, the marketing concept requires rebranding to address issues of sustainability. Intense strategic discussion is required concerning the need to change attitudes that promote and implement modern marketing, starting from changes in the consumption model through the creation of commercial proposals, which will positively shape the future of both market exchange and social life. Moreover, it is postulated that marketers present to consumers an attitude of active and responsible management, as well as openness and honesty in market communication. The article introduces discussion on sustainable marketing and its fundamental importance in the development of marketing theory in Poland; taking into account current debates voiced in Poland - often based on imprecise interpretation of the marketing process. There exists therefore, a need for a thorough analysis and standardisation of understanding marketing theory and consequently the introduction of new concepts and new practices into the marketing process.









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  • Faculty of Management Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
  • Investment Banking Industry in Hong Kong


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