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2013 | 46 | 4 | 143-156

Article title

Systemic Outlook in Technology- Management Trends of Best Technology/ICT Companies


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In the last time, new technology generations in many industries are presented every 2-3 years. The next technology revolution is expected to be different from the previous ones because technology is present in every aspect of our society. Technology processes have more and more an interdisciplinary character, therefore must be carried out systematically and if possible in a planned form. From integration of technology processes; to customer insights that drive product and brand extensions; to spotting emerging voids that competitors miss; technology-management trends are of tremendous importance for optimum business growth and profit. The main goal of this paper is to examine particular trends related to technology-management, as well as selected business indicators of the most successful technology/ICT companies in the world. The research methodology was based on the extensive study of innovative activities described in the annual and related reports of the most profitable technology businesses.










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  • School of Engineering and Management, University of Nova Gorica, Vipavska 13, Rožna Dolina, Nova Gorica, Slovenia, SI-5000


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