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2014 | 4 | 3 | 105-110

Article title

Organizational and Pedagogical Fundamentals of Professional Training of Engineers in the Field of Nanoelectronics in Uk Universities

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The article deals with the organizational and pedagogical principles of the professional training of future nanoelectronics engineers in UK universities. There has been substantiated a number of general didactic and specific principles of the professional training of future nanoelectronics engineers, which facilitate the concretization of content, goals, and tasks of professional training; enhancing the efficiency of the forms and methods of organizing academic activity and its effectiveness; the development of general theoretical and methodological bases of the effective forming in the future engineers of the system of professional knowledge, the skills to use it in their professional activity and deepen it throughout life; skills to masterly use the full arsenal of means and techniques in the process of solving any professional and technical issues. There has been characterized the structure of engineers' training curricula, which envisages the study of core, elective and optional subjects and writing a Master's dissertation. There have been examined the stages of the study organization at the Masters' schools: the practical ones (lectures and seminars) and the theoretical (research) ones. There have been defined the peculiarities of the nanoelectronics specialists' practical training.









Physical description




  • Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Ukraine Address: 4 Stroiteley Str., app. 86, Kyiv, 02105, Ukraine


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