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2007 | 43 | 2 | 149-172

Article title

On Certain Consequences of Feature Spread in Phase-Based Syntax1

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The paper presents some empirical consequences resulting from the application of Chomsky's phase-based system (Chomsky 2005, 2006) and, specifically, the implementation of feature spread between phase heads (C, v) and their complements (T, V), respectively. We begin with a brief overview of the "old" rules for the syntactic derivation and proceed with the description of the innovative concept of feature spread and the way it modifies the derivational process. Next, we hint at some problematic areas for the new system, i.e. extraction from the subject as well as that trace phenomenon. As for the former, we present, based on the comparison of the behaviour of raising as well as control verbs (including, among others, raising and control constructions), some evidence for the theory of Control as movement. What follows, we derive a parametrised version of Subject Condition. Finally, we look at certain facts from Polish (e.g. Genitive of Negation) that seem to lend credibility to the feature spread analysis.









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  • Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
  • Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań


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