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2010 | 43 | 4 | 197-201

Article title

Knowledge Management in the Hotel Industry Before and After the Entry in the EU: The Case of Slovenia


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The paper deals with the impact of the EU entry on knowledge management in the hotel industry in Slovenia. For this purpose, the empirical research on knowledge management was carried out among hotel managers. It explored the changes in knowledge management between 2003 and 2006; that is before and after Slovenia entered the EU. The research revealed a progress in this period of time in knowledge management goals definition, transformation of not-owned into owned knowledge, inclusion of knowledge management in business reports, identification and elimination of the gaps between planned and actual knowledge. On the other hand, there was no further progress in the field of strategies and policy of knowledge management, perception of the importance of knowledge management's measurement, development of measures of knowledge management and diminishment of barriers to knowledge development. Further, several recommendations are suggested for hotel managers.










Physical description




  • Fakulteta za turistične študije - Turistica, Univerza na Primorskem, Obala 11a, 6320 Portorož


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