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2009 | 11 | 2 | 77-86

Article title

Pedagogical Systems Theory and Model for Sustainable Human Development in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)


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The contexts are kindergarten teacher student education, early childhood education and the author's long term research process of constructing a new pedagogical systems theory. The two systems models, which the author created earlier, function now in a theoretical background. The models are different but both of them reflect on early childhood education and care (ECEC). The exact focused question is, what the interconnections of the two different models of ECEC are. Solutions will be shown by making a cross tabulation between these two qualitative models. The results will construct forward the new pedagogical systems theory of ECEC. This theory and a corresponding model can help teachers to become responsible mentors for sustainable development, especially for children's education for sustainable human development and well-being.









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  • University of Joensuu, Finland


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