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2020 | 50 | 27-41

Article title

The role of organizations of the non-profit sector in the employment of people disadvantaged in the labour market in Slovakia


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The Slovak Republic is currently experiencing a period of historically low registered unemployment. On the other hand, the long-term unemployment rate and participation of disadvantaged groups in the labour market has for a long time been showing alarming values. Several countries have responded to the challenges associated with employment of disadvantaged groups by intensive and systematic involvement of non-public sector, specifically non-governmental organizations (NGOs), either in the role of employment services providers or employers. The possibility to involve NGOs in providing public employment services (PES) intended for groups farthest from the labour market is starting to be considered also in Slovakia. In this debate, however, there are also opinions that doubt the capacity of the NGO sector in Slovakia in connection with employment increase of disadvantaged groups. This article, therefore, seeks to describe the roles that NGOs are playing in the field of employment of disadvantaged groups in Slovakia.






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