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2015 | 27 | 5-23

Article title

Metoda sceptycka w filozofii Kanta i Husserla



Title variants

The skeptical method in Kant’s and Husserl’s philosophy

Languages of publication


The article presents Kant’s and Husserl’s philosophy from the point of view of the skeptical method, understood as an attitude of suspending judgment. Both philosophers make a distinction between skepticism and the skeptical method: skepticism comes down to negative dogmatism, while the skeptical method is characterized as a part of the critical procedure because criticism consists in a suspension of judgments (epoché) which we formulate without previous research of their origins and limits. The aim of the article is to indicate analogy between Kant and Husserl with reference to the suspension of judgments. This analogy opens new interpretational possibilities of the phenomenological epoché from the critical perspective.



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Publication order reference



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