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2015 | 27/t.t. | 285-303

Article title

Gdyby nie Grocjusz i Pufendorf. Echa XVII-wiecznej debaty o prawie natury w Biernym posłuszeństwie (1712) George’a Berkeleya


Title variants

If Not for Grotius and Pufendorf; Echoes of the 17th-century Debate on Natural Law in George Berkeley’s Passive Obedience (1712)

Languages of publication


The aim of the article is to analyse the influence of the 17th-century debate on moral law as represented by Grotius and Pufendorf on George Berkeley’s vision of natural law included in his Passive Obedience (1712). The analysis regards the origin, scope and character of natural law as presented by all three authors. Also, it touches on the issues of their visions of the role of God in the world, place of religion in a civil state, as well as their concepts of human nature and a conflict of a duty of non-resistance and a right to self-preservation, which was a source of great contention among philosophers of the 17th and 18th centuries.



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Publication order reference



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