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2016 | 2 |

Article title

Małżeństwo jako coincidentia oppositorum – „A tak już nie są dwoje, lecz jedno” (Mt 19, 6)


Title variants

Marriage as coincidentia oppositorum – “So they are no longer two, but one flesh” (Mt 19, 6)

Languages of publication


In contemporary theological debate much attention is devoting to the interdisciplinary research. Theology as science based on philosophy. Today a special attention is to existential aspects of life. More an experience than the theological description or written reflection. However in order not to simplify theology, it is worthwhile leading and interpreting what religious studies above all widely understood and psychology are offering. The 20th age is not only a new look at theology, inspired by the 2nd Vatican Council but also an intense development of religious studies sciences, but first of all history of the religion with chief with its representative – Mircea Eliade. With topic always current in all sciences, but first of all in theology and religious studies, there are a problem of the connection of the man and women. Two beings, two people and at the same time the great gap between them, two quite different worlds, and the one physical, bodily, and the one psychological, emotional as well as spiritual, religious. These two beings are two opposites which are pulling themselves one another, they are searching for themselves and they are uniting with themselves, and are becoming something with one thing. And so it is possible to look at the connection of the man and women in categories similarities of opposites, that is as coincidentia oppositorum. We will examine the dissimilarity of the man and the woman at first, next we will see what he is coincidentia oppositorum and how this principle is applying to the topic of the marriage as well as androgyne. We will look for justifying the principle in the last part coincidentia oppositorum in the biblical theology.




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