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2016 | 28/2 | 20-38

Article title

Demoniczność Boga jako założenie ekskluzywistycznego i inkluzywistycznego teizmu


Title variants

Demonic nature of God as an assumption of exclusivist and inclusivist theism

Languages of publication


In this article I claim that there is a hidden assumption of the demonic character of God in the exclusivist and inclusivist theism. Exclusivism and inclusivism assume that God is partial and in fact does not care about most people in the world, choosing to reveal himself fully only in one part of the world. This kind of neglect for other people reflects the standard ethnocentrism and seems to be an expression of it. The only way to avoid the view that God is demonic is to accept the religious pluralism. The idea of religion would need to be changed: from the idea of religion as a place of revelation of God to the idea of religion as a place for searching for God. Accepting religious pluralism would lead, however, to the destruction of religions as we know them, since the core of their doctrines is based on the assumption of their superiority.



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Publication order reference



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