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2014 | 16 - Konteksty bezpieczeństwa w Afryce. Problemy globalne, sektorowe, regionalne, lokalne | 159-183

Article title

Bezpieczeństwo ekonomiczne państw Afryki Północnej po Arabskiej Wiośnie - Wsparcie ze strony wielostronnych banków rozwoju



Title variants

Economic security of the Northern African states after the Arab Spring: Support from the multilateral development banks

Languages of publication



The Arab Spring in North Africa had its origins in difficult socio-economic situation of states of the region. It constituted a threat to regional and international security. Calming the situation and solve the problems underlying the events of 2011, required external economic aid. The responses of the international community were, inter alia, the Deauville Partnership (the idea of the G8), Coordination Platform of international financial institutions (IFI) and the extension of the area of EBRD operations to SEMED region states. Also traditionally present in North Africa multilateral development banks such as the African Development Bank (AfDB) and Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), responded to the Arab Spring by increasing financial support for the Northern Africa member states (IsDB), or at least modifying the strategy of the Bank (AfDB).


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