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2022 | 48 | 1 | 421-435

Article title

Stres pourazowy w zawodach wysokiego ryzyka


Title variants

Post-traumatic stress in high risk professions

Languages of publication


The overall positioning of the functioning of an individual in a professional work has been a subject of interest in numerous fields of science. Nowadays, a great amount of consideration has been given to the subject of high-risk professions, which entail severe disorders in professional activity. The aim of this article is to present the impact of stress on the professionals who work in the uniformed services of the police, fire department, correctional department, therefore such individuals who are carrying out their chores under conditions of being particularly at risk of experiencing various types of traumatic incidents. The article, based on the both theoretical and empirical researches of the experts of this issue, presents the main criteria, symptoms and factors conditioning development of the post-traumatic stress disorder. It also presents data indicating the scale of this phenomenon and the effects of the trauma associated with acting a stressful professional role. The interest for this issue stems from the fact of an increasing amount of the traumatic experiences in the world. It is estimated that ca. 70% of the population has experienced in their life this kind of occurrence, while the post-traumatic stress disorder is considered as one of the most severe of its consequences, leading to negative psychosomatic symptoms, which disorganise a hitherto functioning in all of the life spheres. The aspects addressed in this article, represent a cognitive value, since they expose the widely understood traumatic situation of the individuals working in the high-risk professions. Furthermore, another value added of this paper is its diagnostic character due to the presentation of the knowledge not only about the issue of trauma, but also of the criteria of the post-traumatic stress disorder.








Physical description




  • Warsaw University of Life Sciences
  • Warsaw University of Life Sciences


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